Na figu list.../On the fig leaf.../ 2008
Oko Hórovo /2023/
Kalifát/Caliphate/ 2000
Napoleon complex /1996/
Judith a chlípny starec/Judith and the lecherous old man/2013
Ius gladii /1996/
Charybdis /2015/
Até /2008/
Hra na city/A game of feelings/ 2008
Atlas /2008/
El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha /2009/
Grande Armee 1
Akt s kardiostimulátorom /2007/
Lekcie od Lucrezie Borgie/Lessons from Lucrezia Borgia/ 1999
Evangelium de Grosso/...a zotrie každú slzu z očí/ 1990
Lesk a bieda libida/Gloss and misery libido/ 2003
Dolores inferni /2007/
Etica heretica /2020/
Miss Artemis /1998/
Rovnica o jednej neznámej/Equation about one unknown/ 2015
Lenka bodkovaná /1998/
O jednote protikladov/About the unity of opposites/1993
Niečo na obranu závisti/Something to defend against envy/ 1992/
Noci s anjelom/Nights with an angel /2004/
Nočná mora conqistadora /A conqistador´s nightmare/ 2004/
Boss Dionyzos
Nerastú stromy do neba... /Trees don´t grow to the sky.../1995
Musica sacra /1993/
Neha podľa Nera/Tenderness according to Nero/ 2007/
Cela tela/Whole body/ 2007
Secretum finis /2004/
Rána boha Pana /Woud of the god Pan/ 1997
Rat story /2020/
Pozvánka na popravu / Invitation to execution /2014/
Planktai petrai /2005/
Mata Hari /2020/
Na betón príbeh / A concrete story /2002/
Higgs boson /2011/
U Marata /At Marat´s/
Kanibal complex /1996/
Evangelium de Grosso
Lívia Drussilla
Analogon: BETSABE
Dolores inferni II
Pozor, zlý pes! /Watch out,bad dog!/ 2002
Konvergentný bod/Convergent point/ 1996
Il Valentino /2014/
Corpus delicti
Dotyk /Contact/
Popis 1